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User Management

How can I create a new user for my company?

  • The company's ORG-Admin can create further users directly in UMAS.

  • To do so, sign in to UMAS and select the "User administration" button

  • Please note: Every user must have a unique email address. This must be verified once and it is required, e.g. to reset the password.

  • If you do not know who the ORG-Admin is in your company, then contact support directly through UMAS.

  • After completing the creation process, the user receives their use name and password per email. When signing in for the first time, the user is required to verify their email address.

Which roles and rights does an ORG Admin have?

  • Create and then delete new user in UMAS (in UMAS at "User administration")

  • Assignment of standard diagnosis role in UMAS in "XENTRY Diagnosis". This role is mandatory for all users from release 09/2021 onwards for access to the diagnosis software in XENTRY Diagnosis.

  • Important! Every ORG-Admin must go through the identification process once to assign the standard diagnosis role. This is done in most of the markets using the Auto-Ident app from IDnow.

  • Start of identification process in UMAS → "XENTRY Diagnosis"

Which permissions does a user require as part of the mandatory diagnosis log-in and for diagnosis of the new car model series as from the model series 213 facelift?

  • Since release 03/2021: Personal user ID and password for use of diagnosis software in XENTRY Diagnosis

  • From release 09/2021 onwards, also the standard diagnosis role (in UMAS → "XENTRY Diagnosis")

  • For diagnosis of all new E-Class facelifts and all following car model series:
    – Basic diagnosis operations: Standard diagnosis role
    – For control unit commissioning, teach-in processes, etc. also with extended flash role for these model series for previously known flash authorization for cars and vans.
    Request through UMAS. Successful identification is a requirement here.
    Start of identification through UMAS → XENTRY Flash
    A valid ID document (passport or identity card) is required.

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