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Separation of Mercedes-Benz Group AG (Passenger Cars & Vans) and Daimler Truck AG (Trucks & Buses)

As a customer who was previously assigned to Truck & Bus (vice versa: Car & Van), can I also get access to Mercedes-Benz B2B Connect (vice versa: Service Information Mercedes-Benz Truck) and what information does the CAC need?

Of course. You (Org. Admin) can change in UMAS under "Company Management" your division from one to both divisions yourself (Passenger Cars --> Passenger Cars & Truck, or Truck --> Passenger Cars & Truck) and then also get access and rights for the respective platforms.


I can't find the right product/part or application. What can I do?

Feel free to use the convenient search masks in Mercedes-Benz B2B Connect and Service Information Mercedes-Benz Truck, e.g. to find suitable parts based on the VIN. You can find suitable applications via the menu navigation.

Car & Van
Mercedes-Benz B2B Connect:

Truck & Bus
Service Information Mercedes-Benz Truck:

For further questions regarding products/parts, applications and prices, please contact your Mercedes-Benz partner directly.

What is the reason for the separation of Car & Van and Truck & Bus?

In order to be better positioned for the future and the associated issues surrounding the automotive sector, the split of the Passenger Cars/Vans (Mercedes-Benz AG) and Trucks/Buses (Daimler Truck AG) divisions was approved by a large majority at the Annual General Meeting on 01.10.2021. This is intended to exploit the full potential of the two divisions and further advance their positioning.

Further information:

What is the difference between the portals Mercedes-Benz B2B Connect and Service Information Mercedes-Benz Truck?

We have separated our industrial businesses and created two strong and independent companies as of 01.12.2021: Mercedes-Benz Group AG (Passenger Cars & Vans) and Daimler Truck AG (Trucks & Buses). This structural change also has an impact on our online ecosystem.

On Mercedes-Benz B2B Connect you will find all online offers on Passenger Cars & Van for independent workshops (parts, information, products, applications, etc.).

On Service Information Mercedes-Benz Truck you will find all repair and maintenance information for trucks & buses.

How do I have to assign myself to the divisions (car, van, truck, bus) and can I assign myself as a company to all divisions?

The divisions Passenger Cars & Van (Trapo) belong together and to the Mercedes-Benz Group AG. The Truck & Bus divisions also belong together, i.e. to Daimler Truck AG. You can assign yourself in UMAS (registration platform) to the single or both divisions for which you need information and parts:

Do I have different access data to Mercedes-Benz B2B Connect and Service Information Mercedes-Benz Truck?

If you could be assigned by Mercedes-Benz or if you registered independently as a truck/bus customer before 01.12.2021, you were automatically registered with your login data, contact details and rights in Service Information Mercedes-Benz Truck ( If this has not happened, please register again and you will receive new login data.

Why don't I see parts and information about Truck and Bus and where can I find them?

Since 01.12.2021, the car & van and truck & bus divisions have been separated. On the following pages you will find information and parts for the different areas:

Passenger Cars & Van > All information/parts can be found as usual via Mercedes-Benz B2B Connect:

Truck & Bus > All repair and maintenance information can now be found in the Service Information Mercedes-Benz Truck Portal:

You can now find the parts ordering system in WebParts Trucks:

What is the situation with existing/running licenses (WIS, TIPS, etc.) with regard to Service Information Mercedes-Benz Truck and Mercedes-Benz B2B Connect?

All current licenses remain valid and are assigned to the individual divisions Passenger Cars & Vans and Trucks & Buses or both. The assignment is made according to the principles according to which your company has been added to the divisions automatically or also by yourself.

If you have not yet assigned yourself to one or both divisions, you can do so in UMAS (registration platform):

What about outstanding orders via Mercedes-Benz B2B Connect?

The outstanding orders are transferred to the respective platform (Mercedes-Benz B2B Connect or Service Information Mercedes-Benz Truck) and delivered to our customers.

Why has the price for a product/part or application changed and who can advise me?

For questions regarding prices, products/parts and applications, please contact your Mercedes-Benz partner directly.

How do I find the Service Information Mercedes-Benz Truck Homepage on Truck and Bus?

Click here to go to the Service Information Mercedes-Benz Truck homepage:

Good to know: You can still find our car & van online offers for independent workshops (parts, information, products, applications, etc.) on Mercedes-Benz B2B Connect:

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