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GenuineParts and Products

How do I order Mercedes-Benz GenuineParts?

The Mercedes-Benz B2B Connect link provides you with convenient round the clock access allowing you to research and order your Mercedes-Benz GenuineParts anytime directly from your authorised Mercedes-Benz dealer.
Register at Mercedes-Benz B2B Connect online or request B2B Connect access at a local authorised Mercedes-Benz dealer and start enjoying the advantages today.
Sign in at Mercedes-Benz B2B Connect homepage and use the navigation menu to access Mercedes-Benz Parts.

Can I try the applications before I order them?

No, unfortunately that is not possible. However, browsing through the individual product pages and the information provided will give you an initial impression.

Can I only use the listed ordering options?

Mercedes-Benz GenuineParts should only be purchased directly from an authorised Mercedes-Benz dealer, either by phone or through the B2B Connect online platform.

Is it safe to purchase in other shops?

It is difficult to tell Mercedes-Benz GenuineParts and counterfeit products apart. We can only guarantee Mercedes-Benz GenuineParts which have been purchased from an authorised Mercedes-Benz dealer.

Is there a price advantage compared to buying a new part?

Customers can expect to benefit from a price advantage of approximately 32%.

How is the parts return organised?

The return cycle at Mercedes-Benz is based around a 1:1 exchange system. Each time a dealer orders a Mercedes-Benz Genuine Remanufactured Part they are entitled to return a used part removed from the customer vehicle and to receive the deposit value in exchange. The dealer returns the used parts to the logistics centre by the usual delivery process. The parts are then sent directly to Mercedes-Benz for appraisal, where the final deposit value is determined based on the pre-defined criteria known to all dealers. Following appraisal, the parts are sent to the Mercedes-Benz plant for remanufacturing. Mercedes-Benz Genuine Remanufactured Parts are available for purchase through the same channels as Mercedes-Benz Genuine Parts.

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