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What is DSB?

The abbreviation DSB stands for the new "Digital Service Bookletā€ online platform. DSB collects maintenance-relevant service data. After successfully completing service work, the workshop enters the data in a central database that is protected from third-party access. Therefore the entry in a traditional service booklet is no longer required. A "Digital Service Report" is generated in the DSB system for verification, then printed and provided to the customer.

Can maintenance and service work on Mercedes-Benz vehicles also be documented without DSB?

Online maintenance documentation is mandatory for all passenger car model series (except G-Class) and vans, because this is the only way to generate a genuine proof of maintenance for Mercedes-Benz vehicles.

How much does the access and use of DSB cost?

Access and usage are free of charge.

How can I access the DSB?

1. Go to
2. Log in or register
3. Activate DSB (Digital Service Booklet, under "Software" --> "Repair & Maintenance Information" --> "Digital Service Booklet (DSB)") and get direct access to the digital recording of all maintenance and repair services for each vehicle created
4. If you have access to DSB, you can find the application either in the dashboard under "Digital Service Booklet" or under "My Customer Vehicles" (Select the appropriate vehicle --> click on the tab "Digital Service Booklet" --> "+ Document new service"

How can I get access rights to the DSB system?

You will be given access to DSB if you meet the system requirements and are an independent workshop able to repair and service Mercedes-Benz-vehicles professionally (to manufacturer specifications). Mercedes-Benz B2B Connect (

When can I start accessing the DSB?

Once you have submitted your registration form, the data will be checked for omissions. Then the workshop details on the form will be verified by the responsible Mercedes-Benz national organisation and an identification check will be performed. Once successfully approved, your DSB access details with user name and password will be sent to you by email.

How can I install DSB on my PC?

DSB is not installed on your computer. It is a web application that can be accessed within Mercedes-Benz B2B Connect.

Can I access the DSB system from different computers?

Yes, you can use your access on any internet-enabled computer that meets the relevant system requirements. However, you cannot sign in and open applications with the same user ID several times at once.

There are incorrectly saved entries. How can I have the data corrected?

To do this, please contact your local Mercedes-Benz organization.

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