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Test data for pneumatic braking systems as per ECE-R13 and passenger / commercial vehicles according to Ā§29 StVZO in Germany

Where can I find the test data for brake systems?

According to Ā§29 of the StVZO (Road Traffic Permit Act) in Germany, Mercedes-Benz AG as a vehicle manufacturer is obligated to provide appropriate test data as part of the main inspection, emissions testing and safety inspection for the purpose of vehicle monitoring and inspection. The provided information is related to:

  • Brake reference values for hydraulic brakes

  • Brake reference values for pneumatic brakes

These brake reference values can be found in the XENTRY WIS (Workshop Information System) under Group 42.10, "Service brake", job title "Test braking power of the service brakeā€œ. You will need access rights to the XENTRY WIS to view the data.




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