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SERMI authentication - the most frequently asked questions

What do I need SERMI for when maintaining/repairing Mercedes-Benz vehicles?

SERMI authentication (SERMI = Security-Related Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Information) is required for all reprogramming activities on theft-relevant vehicle components. This includes, for example, procurement, replacement and reprogramming of theft-relevant control units or electronic vehicle keys.

Where can I get an authorization for SERMI? Which authority or institution should I contact?

In every country of the EU, at least one so-called conformity assessment body (CAB = Conformity Assessment Body) is responsible for authorizing independent workshops and their employees for SERMI. You will therefore need to contact a CAB responsible for your country. You can find out whether your country is already ready for the SERMI scheme, as well as further information on SERMI and details of the procedure, on the external website

What is SERMI NOT required for when servicing/repairing Mercedes-Benz vehicles?

No SERMI authentication is still required for all access and activities that do not affect theft-relevant vehicle components. For example, you can change a particulate filter and "reset" the engine control without being certified for SERMI.

What does the SERMI regulation require of vehicle manufacturers such as Mercedes-Benz AG?

According to the SERMI regulation, vehicle manufacturers are obliged to grant access to theft-relevant information to any independent workshop that has an electronic SERMI certificate. The SERMI certificate is issued by a public body after the workshop and the respective employee have been inspected. This certificate must be accepted by all manufacturers who have vehicles registered in the European Union.

What does the SERMI regulation require of independent workshops?

Independent market participants such as independent workshops must be checked and authorized by a country-specific assessment body according to uniformly defined criteria - the SERMI regulations. Also the CAB deposits the SERMI certificate issued for this purpose with the trust center responsible throughout Europe. So the independent workshop is still able to access theft-relevant information from vehicle manufacturers in the future. More information on the SERMI regulations can be found here:

Will a repair shop or individuals be approved for SERMI and when will this be possible?

The individual repair shop must be approved for SERMI by the country-specific registration office and the employees who need access to theft-relevant information must also be authorized respectively.

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